Japanese Timber Bamboo - Phyllostachys bambusoides

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Japanese Timber Bamboo

Phyllostachys bambusoides

Japanese Timber BambooJapanese Timber is a part of the Phyllostachys genus of bamboo. It is one of the most popular and widely used bamboo species for building purposes in Asia. The culms typically grow 40' tall, but can reach more than 70' feet in optimum conditions. The culms have very thick walls making it exceptionally strong when dried. It also tends to grow very straight, producing long canes ideal for construction. It is cold hardy to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. We have found Japanese Timber quite easy to establish and maintain. The ideal variety for California growers.

It is a running bamboo, which means that it is invasive by nature. It can send rhizomes up to 20 feet in any direction of the main plant in a single growing season. These will need to be contained if a shoot pops up in an undesirable location.

Tribe: Bambusaea
Genus: Phyllostachys
Species: Bambusoides

English Name: Japanese Timber Bamboo
Japanese Name: Madake
Max Height: 75 Feet (23 m)
Max Diameter: 6 inches (15 cm)
Minimum Temp: 5°F (-15°C)
Light Exposure: Full sun
Rhizome System: Running

Learn more about Japanese Timber Bamboo here.

Container Size Price
1 Gallon N/A
5 Gallon $60.00
15 Gallon $135.00

Japanese Timber Forest